Ridgeline Endoscopy Center Pre-procedure Instructions
(See bottom of page for Preparation Instructions)
Read through and complete the diet and preparation instructions regarding your procedure.
- If you are unable to complete your prep, we may need to reschedule your procedure.
- Please bring your insurance card(s), a picture ID and any copays/deductibles due at time of service.
- The patient responsibility/amount that you have been quoted for today’s visit is an estimate only and has been based on your scheduled procedure, along with the benefits and accumulators obtained from your insurance company at the time of verification.
- Ridgeline Endoscopy does not bill for the physician or lab/pathology portion of your visit. We only bill for the facility- (Ridgeline Surgicenter, LLC).
- STOP TAKING Aspirin (Bayer, Anacin, Alka Seltzer, Excedrin), Coumadin, Ibuprofen (Advil, Mobic, Naprosyn, Naproxen, Motrin, Aleve), and any arthritis medication (excluding Celebrex, Bextra).
- Test your blood sugar before coming in for your procedure and bring the reading with you. If you take oral medication for your diabetes, DO NOT take it the morning of your procedure.
- You will need someone to drive you home. If you plan to ride the bus, use “The Ride” or take a taxi, YOU MUST still have a responsible person over the age of 18 accompany you home.
- We strive for scheduling consistency. However, due to unexpected findings during procedures, appointment times may run a little further than expected, causing a longer wait time. Feel free to bring reading material to your appointment.
- Our clinic can be cold at times; you may want to bring a light jacket.